Member of the Month: Carri Craver

Can you believe it's September already?? New month means new Member of the Month! This month's featured member is Carri Craver! We love having her here at Communion. 

ABOUT CARRI: Carri is a local, originally from Rockwall, TX, and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. Carri designs interactive prototypes for early stage startups, with a focus on exceptional user experience. She provides general design services through her company, UX Design Cravings. And she has just launched, Beyond the Napkin to help people move out the idea stage by creating an interactive prototype quickly and cost effectively.  FUN FACT: Carri has been in the co-working game since 2009! She has been a member of 7 different spaces but "never have I felt like I found the Goldilocks of spaces for me, until Communion. "  We are so thankful for our awesome members like Carri.  Stay tuned for next month's Member of the Month! 💡

Learn More about UX Design Cravings